Our Story

In 2010, a team moved from the Bay Area with a vision of starting an Acts 2 church in Riverside, CA. For many of us, college was a transformative time. Jesus’ all-consuming call grabbed a hold of our hearts as we experienced the power of God’s word and the richness of a biblical community. Now over 10 years later, we have an Acts 2 church made up of college students and young adults who caught the same vision of having a church community who loves God, does life together, and disciples each other to be equipped in bringing the gospel to our neighbors and the nations.

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common.”

- Acts 2:42-44

Want to learn more about other Ministries and Organizations that we have partnered with? Click below to learn more!

Our Journey

Curious about how we came to be? This video from 2019 tells the history of our churches: how we started, what's at the core of who we are, and how the gospel compels us to keep sending out church planting teams so that we can see an Acts 2 church in every college town.

Church Planting ➡️ DREAM BIGGER

How do you plant churches? At each phase of church planting, we didn't know what to expect. But God gave us a dream to go out to more college campuses and share his heart and love for people. So, we will keep on dreaming bigger dreams for God.

Our Church

Want a quick way to know what our church is about? This short video shows our vision to reach college students with the gospel and to train and equip them to be Acts 2 ministers for this generation!

Our Way of Life

What does our life look like? We’re just ordinary people who take the calling of ministry seriously and are on mission together.