Welcome to LifeHouse College Church!

Join us on Sundays!

11:30am @ Dundee A1003


At LifeHouse we are interested in GATHERING together as believers and GROWING disciples so that they may be equipped to GO and make disciples of their campus, their nation, and to the ends of the earth.
— LifeHouse CC


Whether you’re Christian or not, we’re gathering all the time, just like the early church (Acts 2:46).

Join for Sunday Service

Prayer Meeting & Friday Bible study

“Open Home” community


Want to GROW as a Christian?

Join a GROW Group, where we’ll go through C101 [Christian Foundations] -> C201-> C301

Come to our midweek devotionals (we go through this)


Growing leads to GOING!

Join a SERVE team on our SERVE Sundays

Go on an international MISSION trip–upcoming trips

Join SLT (Student Leadership Training) this summer


Acts2fellowship (A2F) is our campus fellowship at UC Riverside. We meet weekly to explore the deeper questions of life and build up a community like the Acts 2 church!